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Writer's pictureTre North

Power Over The Enemy

“Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” Luke 10:19. God has given us many responsibilities. It only makes sense that He has equipped us with the same power for the task. The purpose of our salvation is for the purpose of glorifying God. We all have a Great Commission! Every believer is to carry out Christ’s commission in whatever way possible. He has given the Church authority and power over satanic forces. We have the responsibility to bind the prince of this earth and reclaim for God what is rightfully His! There is only one omnipotent on earth and that is God Almighty not satan. Satan is merely a fallen angel. Stop treating him as if he has equal power with God! We need to stop retreating while satan advances. Through Christ, God made His major attack against satan. Christ’s death and resurrection gave us victory over the consequences and power over sin. Through Christ, we have overcome Satan; he has been conquered. Now it is our duty, indwelt by His Spirit and supernaturally endowed, to conquer Satan. We are to reclaim for God the lives of men and women who are in bondage to sin. We are God’s ambassadors to a lost and dying world. ( 2 Cor. 5:20). To do this, we must get our eyes off our past failures and set them on God and His Word. We must begin to appropriate what is ours, instead of allowing the supernatural power of God to lie dormant within us. God has given us the power, let’s start using it. Everyone be safe, blessed, and prosperous! Love you all!

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Renee Anders
28 мар. 2020 г.


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